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To get started first install the repo (python 3.10+). Either clone and run pip install -e . or install directly with

pip install git+

Environment variables

Depending on which pipelines you run, you might need to define the following environment variables

# only needed for training (can opt-out with --disable_wandb)
export WANDB_API_KEY=...
# only needed if using gated models, like llama3.1
export HF_TOKEN=...
# only needed if running inference with OpenAI models
export OPENAI_API_KEY=...
# only needed if running inference with Nvidia NIM models
export NVIDIA_API_KEY=...

Preparing data

If you want to run evaluation or use training datasets of popular benchmarks (e.g. math/gsm8k) for data augmentation, you need to run the following commands to prepare the data.

python -m nemo_skills.dataset.prepare

If you're only interested in a subset of datasets (e.g. only math-related or code-related), run with --dataset_groups ... and if you only need a couple of specific datasets, list them directly e.g.

python -m nemo_skills.dataset.prepare gsm8k human-eval mmlu ifeval

If you have the repo cloned locally, the data files will be available inside nemo_skills/dataset/<benchmark>/<split>.jsonl and if you installed from pip, they will be downloaded to wherever the repo is installed, which you can figure out by running

python -c "import nemo_skills; print(nemo_skills.__path__)"

Cluster configs

All of the pipeline scripts accept --cluster argument which you can use to control where the job gets executed. That argument picks up one of the configs inside your local cluster_configs folder by default, but you can specify another location with --config_dir or set it in NEMO_SKILLS_CONFIG_DIR env variable. You can also use NEMO_SKILLS_CONFIG env variable instead of the --cluster parameter. The cluster config defines an executor (local or slurm), mounts for data/model access and (slurm-only) various parameters such as account, partition, ssh-tunnel arguments and so on.

We use NeMo-Run for managing our experiments with local and slurm-based execution supported (please open an issue if you need to run our code on other kinds of clusters). This means that even if you need to submit jobs on slurm, you do it from your local machine by defining an appropriate cluster config and nemo-run will package and upload your code, data and manage all complexities of slurm scheduling. Check their documentation to learn how to fetch logs, check status, cancel jobs, etc.


NeMo-Run will only package the code tracked by git (as well as all jsonl files from nemo_skills/dataset). Any non-tracked files will not be automatically available inside the container or uploaded to slurm.

We use Hydra for most of the scripts, so it's a good idea to read through their documentation if that's the first time you see it.

Most of our pipeline scripts use a mix of normal command-line arguments and Hydra style config overrides (usually formatted as ++arg_name). Whenever you see this, it means that the regular --arg_name parameters are used to control the wrapper script itself and all other parameters are directly passed into the underlying nemo_skills/... script called by the wrapper.

Running pipelines

All of the pipeline scripts can be called in 3 equivalent ways. As an example let's see how to run evaluation on 10 samples from gsm8k and math benchmarks

ns command-line entrypoint
ns eval \
    --cluster=local \
    --server_type=openai \
    --model=meta/llama-3.1-8b-instruct \
    --server_address= \
    --benchmarks=gsm8k:0,math:0 \
    --output_dir=/workspace/test-eval \
calling python module directly
python -m nemo_skills.pipeline.eval \
    --cluster=local \
    --server_type=openai \
    --model=meta/llama-3.1-8b-instruct \
    --server_address= \
    --benchmarks=gsm8k:0,math:0 \
    --output_dir=/workspace/test-eval \
using python api
from nemo_skills.pipeline import wrap_arguments
from nemo_skills.pipeline.cli import eval

    # arguments of the underlying script need to be wrapped
    # you can separate multiple arguments with space or newline

You can also chain multiple pipelines together to set proper slurm dependencies using --run_after parameter. See an example in training documentation.

Local execution

To run scripts locally we use docker containers, so make sure you have NVIDIA Container Toolkit set up on your machine.

All of our scripts assume that data or models are mounted inside the appropriate container so before running any commands make sure to modify cluster_configs/example-local.yaml. It's convenient to rename it to local.yaml (so you can use --cluster local) after you defined necessary mounts.

Most of our containers are quite heavy, so the first time you run a job that requires a large container, it will take a while to pull it. You can manually run docker pull <container> for all containers defined in the local config to cache them.

Slurm jobs

If you're running on slurm, you need to define some additional information inside cluster config.

Populate the commented out fields inside cluster_configs/example-slurm.yaml. It's convenient to rename it to slurm.yaml (so you can use --cluster slurm) or a cluster name if you use multiple slurm clusters.